Caspian Fashion Week, Winner AROLLO Photo Challenge, AROLLO pricing policy

Pricing Policy

AROLLO at the Caspian Fashion Week on November 3rd

Again this November we where part of the Caspian Fashion Week. This year, for the first time, the State Opera was just the perfect location to present high quality Overknee and Thigh High Boots. Olga Egorova, our brand ambassador for Russia created once again a perfect show. So it´s easy to imagine, that AROLLO delivered the most spectacular show at this evening. we could almost present our entire collection to the international audience. Read more……

Daynia – Winner of the 2nd AROLLO Photo Challenge 2018

We were overwhelmed by the high number of participants for the 2nd AROLLO Photo Challenge 2018. All Ladies who own AROLLO boots where invited to send us theirs pictures wearing AROLLO Overknee and Thigh High Boots. Deadline was November 10th. Daynia from Germany has won the AROLLO Overknee Boots Victoria among all participants. Read more…..

AROLLO Overknee Boots for Christmas

To provide a better service and an enjoyable shopping experience AROLLO extended the right of return and of exchange until January 1st 2019!! This guarantees to receive the perfect Christmas present just in time. Make your Christmas 2018 to a special one with AROLLO Overknee and Thigh High Boots. Read more……

AROLLO Pricing Policy

AROLLO treats theirs customers with honesty and represents a fair pricing policy. We do not annoy our customers by participating on Special Sales like Black Friday or Cyber Week. Why it is like that and what good arguments are behind it read here….

Last Update: 4. December 2018 • Uncategorized

Merry Christmas wishes AROLLO

Merry Christmas wishes AROLLO. The Advent season is the time of silence and tranquility. However, in our hectic world this is not always easy to get involved in this silence and tranquility. AROLLO wishes you that you will be able to spend at least the Christmas holidays in peace with your family. We all deserve a few days of rest and relaxation. Let’s recharge our batteries for the challenges that surely await us in 2018.

We from AROLLO would like to thank you for a fabulous year 2017. All of you made the year 2017 to a very successful and special one for us. Anyway, the word of mouth is the best way to make a brand strong. This is what you did. We would like to thank you for that. 

As you perhaps know, we are celebrating our 10th anniversary next year. We are full in plan for some highlights  and some great changes 2018. You as our customer will benefit most of this changes. So stay tuned 2018 and watch what happens.

Your AROLLO Boots Team

Some of our Angles:



Last Update: 21. December 2017 • Uncategorized